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These resources provide an overview of inquirED's Inquiry Journeys curriculum, including its structure, Landmark Lessons, and key features. Guided tours and materials support integration of digital and printed resources, enhancing your instructional planning and delivery.

Understanding inquirED's Inquiry Journeys Curriculum

Understanding inquirED's World History Curriculum


  • Assessment in Inquiry Journeys: Inquiry Journeys takes the struggle out of creating assessments, providing teachers with formative assessments in every lesson and summative assessment support across Inquiries.

  • Assessments and Assessment Guides: Locate assessments and their guides to effectively support growth in inquiry-based learning.


  • Standards Alignment in Inquiry Journeys: Inquiry Journeys aligns to the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies and inquirED’s Inquiry Skills Standards. Inquiry Journeys also aligns to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy Anchor Standards (CCSS-ELA) and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) competencies.

  • inquirED's Inquiry Skills: The Inquiry Skills are a set of five powerful skills that are used throughout the inquiry process to generate questions, conduct sustained investigations, and take informed action.


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