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Planning for Inquiry

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13 results returned
  • Landmark Lessons in Inquiry Journeys

    Every Inquiry Journey’s Inquiry is punctuated by Landmark Lessons. Each of these lessons have a specific function that shapes the direction of your Inquiry.

    • Unit Roadmap Notecatcher

      Before starting an Inquiry, look at your calendar and create a roadmap to help keep your instruction on track, or to help you stay at the same pace as other teachers in your school or district. Use this tool to...

      • Lesson Planning Notecatcher

        Understanding how a lesson fits into an Inquiry and thinking through how you will support students in meeting a lesson’s objectives can be very helpful in preparing for instruction. Use this tool to help you plan your next Inquiry Journeys...

        • Unpacking a Module Notecatcher: Inquiry Journeys

          Unpacking a module will help you successfully customize lessons to fit into your schedule and meet the needs of your students. Use this tool to help you think through your next Inquiry Journeys module.

          • Standards Alignment in Inquiry Journeys

            Inquiry Journeys aligns to the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies and inquirED’s Inquiry Skills Standards. Inquiry Journeys also aligns to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy Anchor Standards (CCSS-ELA) and...

            • Customizing Your Unit: Selecting Sources

              Inquiry Journeys connects to high-quality, diverse sources. If you are looking for supplemental sources to further support and extend student learning, here are some guidelines.

              • Time Saving Tips in Inquiry Journeys

                Teachers often customize lnquiry Journeys to fit into the instructional time they have. Use this tool to see some ways teachers have adapted lessons in order to save time.