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Inquiry Based Teaching

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56 results returned
  • Inquiry-Based Teaching

    Inquiry-based teaching and learning involves shifting one’s mindset and approach to instruction, as well as deepening understanding of effective practices. In this course, participants learn about eight different Inquiry Teaching Practices and are introduced to tools that will support them...

    • Path
    • Duration 1h
    • Credential
  • inquirED's Inquiry Teaching Practices Collaborative Reflection Tool

    This collaborative reflection tool is designed to guide teachers in deepening and continuously improving inquiry-based instruction. This tool can be used as a one-on-one tool for an Inquiry Advocate and teacher or to guide reflective dialogue in a professional learning...

    • inquirED's Inquiry Teaching Practices Learning Walk Tool

      This learning walk form assesses implementation of inquirED’s Inquiry-Based Teaching Practices. Use the data collected to inform professional learning supports. Check all “look-fors” you observe and track descriptive notes in the boxes provided. Note: Typically, you will not observe all...

      • inquirED's Inquiry Teaching Practices with Look-Fors

        inquirED's Inquiry Teaching Practices include both "on-stage," observable look-fors, as well as "off-stage" look-fors that are may not be as easily observed during class. These look-fors can often be found through other means such as lesson materials, student data, and...

        • Inquiry Strategies and Protocols

          Putting inquiry into practice means giving students the opportunity to lead their own learning as they question, investigate, and take action. The strategies and protocols that follow can be used to provide structure and scaffolding as students develop their Inquiry...

          • Path
        • Question Formulation Technique: Protocol Guide

          The Question Formulation Technique (QFT) was developed by the Right Question Institute to help anyone produce, improve, and prioritize questions. Use it to generate Investigation Questions that will help students address meaningful, targeted content.

          • I Like, I Wonder...

            I Like, I Wonder is a protocol that supports students’ ability to share their undeveloped ideas with peers while receiving affirmation and getting initial, low-stakes feedback. Use this format to support critique skills and peer collaboration as new ideas are...

            • See Think Wonder

              See Think Wonder is a protocol that helps students make observations, form inferences, and generate questions about a visual source or artifact. Use it to spark wonderings or introduce new topics.

              • Idea Clustering

                Idea Clustering allows students to see the connections their ideas have with others’ ideas, supporting the development of collaborative projects or topics of investigation. Use this process to help establish interest groups for collaborative work, or to synthesize many diverse...

                • Yes, and...

                  Yes, and... is a structured protocol that helps students respond and add to others’ ideas rather than critiquing or modifying them. Use it to support students’ development of individual project ideas and their ability to thought-partner with each other.

                  • Artifact Study

                    Artifact studies challenge students to analyze a primary source by identifying evidence, explaining interpretations, and drawing conclusions. Use this format when students analyze an unfamiliar primary source individually, in small groups, or as a whole class.

                    • Simulation

                      Simulations facilitate an experience that students can reflect upon to draw conclusions about concepts or ideas. When designing a simulation, avoid those that may be triggering, including asking students to act out inappropriate dynamics or perform another person's identity or...

                      • Jigsaw

                        Jigsaws support students in deep research on a specific topic, then provide an opportunity to share that research with other students or groups who explored different topics in depth. Use this format to empower students to go deep and become...

                        • Investigation Stations

                          Investigation stations provide a source or sources that students use to gather information. Sources might include text, images, artifacts, videos, or even step-by-step activities, and are often clustered by subtopic. Students might choose stations based on interest, or they might...

                          • Read-Aloud

                            Read-alouds facilitate an exploration of a text through a shared reading experience. Use this format when a shared experience will enrich the exploration or make a complex text more accessible.

                            • Gallery Walk

                              A gallery walk presents a series of compelling sources that students can respond to quickly, such as photographs, works of art, or images of artifacts. Students circulate through the materials and respond in writing or through discussion. Use this format...

                              • Predict Learn Conclude

                                A Predict Learn Conclude prompts students to make inferences, test those inferences while gathering information, and construct conclusions. Use this strategy as a pre-assessment, as an anticipatory set, or to assess student thinking. 

                                • Webquest

                                  Webquests allow students to conduct an online investigation at their own pace using a list of teacher-selected online sources. Use this format to support students’ independence in navigating the internet while conducting targeted research. 

                                  • Whole-Class Critique

                                    For beginners to critique, a whole-class format is recommended. The expectations for good critique language and mindset can be frequently reinforced while the teacher has total control of the protocol itself. Use this format if students are just beginning to...

                                    • Socratic Seminar

                                      Socratic seminars require students to collaboratively grapple with complex topics. Through the process, students closely read a teacher-selected article, draw evidence from that reading, and then discuss their responses through a structured seminar with peers. Use this format to promote...

                                      • Concentric Circles

                                        Concentric Circles get students talking to different classmates, allowing them to hear from a variety of perspectives in response to a series of prompts. This protocol fosters understanding of different perspectives while promoting students’ speaking and listening skills.