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The Inquiry Hub has been created by inquirED’s Partner Experience team to provide you with everything from quick tips and answers to rich professional learning and PLCs. Take a moment to meet the Partner Experience team and check out their tips for getting started with your inquiry-based curriculum!

LaKethia White

Greetings! I’m LaKethia, an Implementation Coach at inquirED. Throughout my career as an early elementary school teacher and coach in New York City Public Schools, I’ve advocated for an “inquiry-based” approach to explore, address, and measure student and teacher growth. Serving as a facilitator of learning and asking reflective questions that guide students and teachers to deeper understanding is a passion of mine. Coaching through inquiry has strengthened my capacity to support teachers and leaders in developing a specific practice, strategy, or protocol to help solve a challenge in their context. To make it happen, I believe that we have to learn the work, by doing the work, together in the community.

And that’s what I love about inquirED; we provide a wide array of professional learning opportunities that allow teachers to be in charge of their own inquiry learning: to learn, to connect research and practice, and then reflect with others in our powerful learning communities.

My Getting Started Tip

The Inquiry Hub is the place to foster connection and participate in a powerful online learning community. Through our live sessions, you’ll have the chance to identify goals, share issues emerging from your classroom as you shift to inquiry-based teaching practices, and have the opportunity to connect and discuss practical and feasible solutions that can address the needs of your students. And the best part is, once you’ve completed a session on the Inquiry Hub, you’ll receive a certificate of participation to document your contributions. It’s a win-win!