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Inquiry Based Teaching

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56 results returned
  • Mingle Pair Share

    Mingle Pair Shares are a great way to get students moving around the classroom and talking to different classmates. Use this strategy to encourage students to hear from a variety of perspectives in response to an open-ended question or experience.

    • Conver-stations

      Conver-stations allow students to discuss topics in constantly changing small groups. Use this format in response to complex discussion prompts or sources (ex. photos, videos, audio recordings, or written text).

      • Whip Around / Once Around the Room

        This strategy gives each student a chance to quickly share their idea with the whole class. Use this protocol when responses are likely to be only a few sentences long.

        • Note Card Reflection

          This reflection protocol prompts students to identify key takeaways from a sustained inquiry experience. Use this to support students in sharing their thoughts with the whole class and making connections to others’ ideas.

          • Popcorn Share-Out

            Popcorns challenge students to share their ideas without talking over each other, which is great practice for real-life discussion skills. Use this strategy when it’s not necessary to hear from every single student in response to a prompt or question.

            • Think Pair Share

              A Think Pair Share gives every student the opportunity to be heard. Students who have difficulty sharing ideas in large groups have a chance to rehearse with a partner, and those who always want to share are guaranteed the chance...

              • Turn and Talk / Shoulder Partners

                Use these strategies to prompt a quick conversation between students who are already seated close together. Because there is no special seating arrangement or protocol required, it is perhaps the most flexible and informal discussion strategy.

                • What are inquirED's Inquiry Skills?

                  The Inquiry Skills are a set of five powerful skills that are used throughout the inquiry process to generate questions, conduct sustained investigations, and take informed action. The development of these skills is integral to the success of students...

                  • Question Formulation Technique: Teacher Reflections

                    The Question Formulation Technique, or QFT, was developed by the Right Question Institute as a simple step by step process that helps anyone produce, improve, and prioritize questions. Watch this video to hear about a teacher's journey using the Question...