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278 results returned
  • Inquiry-Based Teaching

    Inquiry-based teaching and learning involves shifting one’s mindset and approach to instruction, as well as deepening understanding of effective practices. In this course, participants learn about eight different Inquiry Teaching Practices and are introduced to tools that will support them...

    • Path
    • Duration 1h
    • Credential
  • Orientation to Inquiry Journeys Notecatcher

    If you're just getting started with Inquiry Journeys, it's helpful to take some time to get oriented. Use this tool to gain familiarity with the structure of your first Inquiry and the resources provided to support instruction. The notecatcher is...

    • Reading Strategy: Annotation

      Annotation allows students to actively engage with texts and improve their reading comprehension. Using annotation strategies can help students understand the content on a deeper level and recall concepts for later use. It can also be a lot of fun!...

      • Student Self-Analysis Quotes

        This collection of quotes highlights the value of student self-analysis. It features the thoughts and experiences of teachers and students from a variety of schools as they reflect on the impact of students analyzing their own work.

        • Logging Out

          Follow these two steps to log out of your curriculum.

          • Examining Student Work Protocol

            Use this protocol to analyze the work of 3 students performing at different levels and consider next steps for supporting students.

            • End of Year Reflection

              In this course, participants engage in reflection, which is intended to take place at the end of the school year. It is designed to cultivate a culture of reflection in which participants celebrate success, identify challenges, and set intentions for...

              • Path
              • Duration 1h
              • Credential
            • Inquiry Advocate: Social Studies Syllabus

              Each of the ten sessions aims to enhance participants' knowledge, skills, and strategies to address common challenges that may be encountered while adopting a new social studies curriculum. Upon completion of the required sessions, participants will become Certified Inquiry Advocates....

              • Literacy Connections

                In this course, participants explore the natural connection between literacy instruction and social studies. They determine ways to support students who are grappling with complex texts and consider how Inquiry Journeys contributes to building students' literacy skills.

                • Path
                • Duration 1h
                • Credential
              • inquirED Certifications

                inquirED currently offers two certifications for educators in schools or districts implementing Inquiry Journeys. Read to learn about each program.

                • inquirED's Inquiry Teaching Practices with Look-Fors

                  inquirED's Inquiry Teaching Practices include both "on-stage," observable look-fors, as well as "off-stage" look-fors that are may not be as easily observed during class. These look-fors can often be found through other means such as lesson materials, student data, and...